In ‘The Very Image’ Of David Gascoyne
An image of a priest
With sandals of trembling seaweed
Punctual robes of honeysuckle
An incense burner of deceit
And in his hand a blazing star
An image of a train
With outrageous smoke of filtered sandalwood
The monotonous rhythm of a silent hurdy-gurdy
The outsized bill of a pelican
And the incessant noise of a wasp reciting the catechism
The image of a fireguard
With the opaque tears of an adolescent
The scent of jasmine at 4.00 in the morning
Rubbing itself provocatively against a white rose
And covered in the fragile dust of a dozen crystals
An image of the Mona Lisa
With her opalescent eyes of seashells
In her left hand (of course) she holds a wilted flower
Whilst grasping a glass phial of pure emptiness in her right
And balancing a 2’ wide green apple on her head
24 October 2004