Queen Of My Soul
Queen of my soul
The only one I continue to exalt
Erotic blue eyed sun girl
With museum eyes of all that has been and will be
Eyes of dice thrown at the uncertain sky
Of untamed horses claiming their obscure destiny
With naked visions of the jasmine night
With your mistletoe tongue of unhurried excess
And monsoon mouth of splendid times and forbidden memories
And wild angel lips the essence of an Argentine tango
Of the republic of sensual dreams
Of cubeb berries from Java
Of the iron spice trail
And elegant ears of Egyptian nummulities singing in the tear drops of space
And hair of Boudicca’s salsa dreams of mystery and romance
Of the shadows of phosphorous at midnight
With the golden valley between your china apple legs
The magnetic valley of nectar and lightning
Of the globe and sky on fire
Of the haunted forest and jewelled pomegranate seeds
The insanely dangerous vortex of the chimney blue hole
With a honey sun drenched Golden Fleece
Whose carousel breasts possess the beauty of the illusionist
And the inexhaustible passion of the harvest and hunter’s moons
Of a maypole bower atop a ring of moss
And the taste of the doubting saint’s offering
And rainbow thighs of Rapunzel’s lament
With a silver mesmeric branch
And the cobalt calling card of anticipation
And copy cat baroque feet of tormented remembrance
With nails of lace conjured by the absent ones
Of fire and light and water
Of the cracked wind
Of delirious and incantatory Arapaho drums
And cheek bones of blue Monday and hope
Of crushed hazelnut and savage wonder
Of extraordinary chance encounters on busy city streets
With an alabaster back and prophet’s tattoo of broken embraces
And hands of sculptured willow fingers
Of newly spun silk probing the edge of chaos
And electrical flashes from thimble topped fingers
Naked fingers that caress with furtive sighs
Legs of those who play with fire
Who have secrets in their acrobat eyes
Legs of light sensitive glass sheathed in nylon
Open as the silvered window of time
And the star filled mouth of the hydra
And pagan knees of the psychedelic cosmos
Of Japanese taiko drumming and ritualistic burnings
Thighs that touch the void and assault the winter darkness
With the echoing crackle of static by the pylons
With the alchemy of trembling allusion
And the profound shock of erotic joy
With mysterious shoulders less ordinary to me than Gregorian chants at noon
Of smoke filled cabarets staged in abandoned priories
And buttocks of cerebral intimacy
Of masked crimson geraniums at play
Of ribbons of blood marbled dunes
And black gold windswept deserts
And the relentless pursuit of the unfathomable
With ice petals of the heart
With a heart of aqua crystal that doesn’t miss an ink blue step
Who carries my burnt heart in her heart
And with a nape of falling leaves and volcanic ash
Of harps that tumble and distract us with their trivial declarations
And translucent skin of utopian philosophy
Of scorched butterfly wings and passing diamond clouds
The cradle of scandalous desire with the unforgettable perfume of the frosted mirror
Which beckons from the opposing shore
From the unknown place of the other
And a voice of tigers teeth in the hurricane
Of the shading of the sun and the moon and the stars
Of the ivory black swan
Of the murmuring statues of Anhai and Melusina
Of cities now ruined and forgotten
Of slender threads which bind us to rusted ivy oceans
A voice which speaks to me of the diversions of pleasure
Of endless journeys into the labyrinth
Of our marvellous myth made real and everlasting
26 October - 4 November 2010